Interview with the locals about the New School
Installing a new hand pump to provide water to a town can be a sustainable and low-cost option for safe water supply, especially in resource-poor settings and rural areas in developing countries. Hand pumps are commonly used in developing countries for both community supply and self-supply of water and can be installed on boreholes …
اللہ سبحانہ وتعالیٰ نے قرابت داروں، محتاجوں اور مسافروں کے حق کی ادائیگی کی تلقین فرمائی ہے، اور ان کی مالی اعانت کے حوالے سے لوگوں کو متوجہ فرمایاہےاور ارشاد فرمایا کہ اپنا مال فضول خرچی اور شاہ خرچی کے کاموں میں نہ اڑاؤ، بلکہ اپنے قریبی عزیز و اقارب، والدین، بیوی بچوں، بہنوں …
Safeeran-e-Aman Britannia Ambassadors of peace Great Britain Our Projects Education, Health and Food Please use your Donations Charity, Sadaqa and Zakat to help make a brighter future for poor children. Charity Registration # SC051527 sort code: 82-11-07 Account number: 10230069
Children along with their parent receiving school uniform, shoes and caps. Be part of this great work JOIN US TO MAKE A CHANGE